Ndis Social Community Participation Brisbane
NDIS Community Participation Brisbane
NDIS Community Participation Brisbane

Assistance with NDIS Social and Community Participation in Brisbane

Socialising and mingling with others and participating in community have been the very part and parcel of human life. Since we are a social species who have some inborn social skills that we develop autonomously as and when we grow. As the very nature of human beings is to socialise, we consider the ability to do so and the skills of communication to be a part of our normal livelihood.

However, if you have mobility issues or other impairments that may deter you from being a part of your community due to a number of reasons. But do not worry about that if you are in Brisbane. Having gained over 10 years of experience and with some of the most qualified support workers, we are second to none, offering assistance to NDIS community participation in Brisbane.

NDIS Social and Community Participation Brisbane
NDIS Social and Community Participation Brisbane

Where is the uniqueness of your assistance with NDIS Social and Community Participation Brisbane?

We know that the support needs of two individuals are never the same. That is why, when you hire our support workers, we will never provide you any generalised service.

Instead they will talk to you to know you as an individual, the aspirations and goals of your life, your lifestyle, your preferences, liking and disliking.

They will never consider you as a participant, but an extended family member. So, NDIS Social and Community Participation in Brisbane is not just about professionalism and perfection, but about care, compassion and affection. As an individual with impairments you need these humane qualities to overcome your mobility restriction and lead the life of your choice with self-esteem, dignity and as much autonomy as possible.

This is where our support workers offering NDIS Community Participation in Brisbane differ from that of our competitors.

NDIS Community Participation Brisbane
NDIS Community Participation Brisbane

What Does Our Assistance with NDIS Community Participation include?

Our assistance with NDIS community participation in Brisbane will include but not be limited to:
  • Attending personal development courses
  • Joining social groups
  • Visits clubs, social circles, clubhouses or Health Hubs
  • Going for trips for outings or holidays
  • Visits to library
  • Going for movie or concert, sporting, music or other cultural events
  • Participating and performing in community events
  • Joining sporting clubs and participating in sporting activities
Thus, with such a wide range of services, we are your one stop solution as a NDIS registered support service provider.

Some must-ask FAQs in regards to our service

Are your support workers safe?
Yes, they are registered and bonded and all all the support workers offering assistance with NDIS community participation in Brisbane are background-checked
Do you offer 24×7 service?
Yes, our support workers offer 24×7 as well as time bound service
Do you manage NDIS funding?
No, we assist you or someone nominated by you to manage the NDIS funding. We just assist you in doing so to ensure you make the most of the NDIS funding.

Fix a meeting with us by calling

Call us at 0449 963 839 to know more about us or to fix an appointment with our experts. You can also write to us at to know more about us and our deliverables.
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